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Information Technology Department

Computer Sciences Department of KSW is the interfaculty unit offering classes on computer sciences basics for all faculties in the School, as well as preparing and making computer laboratories available to teachers interested in supporting education with computer techniques. Computer Sciences Department organises methodological meetings for teachers from primary, higher secondary (gymnasium) and post-gymnasium schools. Moreover, the Department organises and runs computer courses for institutions, economic entities, as well as individuals. In co-operation with Polish Association of Computer Sciences, it organises and carries out the exams for the international certificate ECDL (EUROPEN COMPUTER DRIVING LICENCE).

The Department has at its disposal computer equipment for educational use, which is located in Collegium Maius at 94 Okrzei Street. The whole storey, dedicated to the Computer Sciences Department, consists of five computer laboratories. Each of them can work in local and wide-area computer networks. Access to the Internet is provided by a rented link in POLPAK-T system with transmission speed of 2Mb/s. Laboratories are used for conducting „Basics of Computer Sciences” classes during the academic year for all faculties of the School. Also the teaching staff, who want to support education with computer and information techniques, can use laboratories. Additionally, the same opportunities are offered at postgraduate studies, including Postgraduate College of Computer Sciences for Teachers. Programming is done using licensed packages, such as: C++ , Turbo Pascal and Delphi. As regards the classes on the network, they are based on MS Windows Nt 4.0, as well as the common system Linux.